Why is it worthwhile to visit MYTUTOR to prepare for the entrance examination for the Gymnasium in Bern?
The best way to prepare for the high school entrance exams in the canton of Bern is to attend professional preparation courses with MYTUTOR. These will help you to feel confident and ready to take the exam.
The MYTUTOR preparation course includes the following:
- You will work on the theoretical basics in German and mathematics and get a deep understanding of these subjects.
- By solving old exam tasks, you will get more confidence as well as better running speed to complete the different tasks.
- In the prep course, instructors focus on helping you understand the material in the way that is most comfortable and relevant for you.
- This course is designed to show you everything you need to know about various tasks so you can prepare and pass the exam with confidence.
- You will receive practice exams, exercises, and course materials to help you prepare for the course.
- The simulation test provides information about areas that need to be improved.
- The course will be enjoyable and stress-free to complete.
What makes MYTUTOR preparation courses unique?
- You have the option to enroll in individual private, flexible semi-private, dynamic group, and intensive vacation Gymi prep courses.
- The subject German you can also take only once, plus the subjects mathematics. This means you can only choose one of them.
- The highly qualified teaching staff specializes in teaching students for high school.
- The pre-exam lessons focus on deep understanding and learning new models of thinking, which will especially help you better in high school.
- MYTUTOR offers fair and attractive prices, as well as unique additional services and offers.
- There are many ways to support you individually and expand your knowledge.
When do the GYMI preparation courses take place?
You decide for yourself! At:
- Private lessons of your choice, when and on what date your preparation sessions take place. You have the option to customize the course content to suit your needs and pace. Online lessons can also be done privately.
- Semi-Private Classes You and a friend can decide when you want to take the class.
- Small group classes are held on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
- Vacation courses are held during the Christmas vacations.
Where can I attend the GYMI preparation courses?
Orders for the grammar school preparation courses, which take place at our location in Bern, Thunstrasse 8, 3005, can be placed directly with MYTUTOR in Bern. Further contact details for MYTUTOR Bern can be found here.
You can start the ONLINE preparation course for the Abitur regardless of your location.
Why should you attend a GYMI preparation course at MYTUTOR in Bern?
MYTUTOR offers a high quality course to help you prepare for the entrance exams to high schools in Bern. This course will help you to pass the entrance exam confidently and successfully.
In our typical GYMI daily routine, we have other entrance exams that cannot be compared to primary school graduation. Often the subject matter is not fully discussed and the lack of time and space is a big challenge, so that individual students are not all encouraged and supported enough. Taking individual time with the students can therefore not be guaranteed. Teaching students how to learn properly and efficiently is also lost in the process. The development of a pattern of thinking for higher learning success also suffers.
However, in order to experience a successful graduation from this school, these qualities are of utmost importance. Thus, our professional GYMI exam preparation courses closes this gap.
Many doors will be opened to you with the gymnasiale Matura, and many opportunities will open up for you. You get to know many things in depth and discover new fields of interest. It is also the basic requirement for studying at a university in Switzerland. Many potential employers value this very highly.
What should you know about high school?
Complete your studies with a federal Matura, after which you can apply to study at a university in Switzerland. If you decide to study at universities of applied sciences or colleges of higher education, you must also pass the practical part.
Graduation: Federal Matura
Duration Gymnasium Bern: 4 years
Why should you attend a GYMI preparation course at MYTUTOR in Bern?
Emphases: Philosophy, Education and Psychology (PPP), Biology and Chemistry (BioCh), Greek (Gr), Fine Arts (BG), Italian (It), Spanish (Esp), English in conjunction with the International Baccalaureate (E with IB), Music (Mu), Physics, Latin (L) and Applications of Economics, Mathematics (PHAM) and Law (WR).
Majors are currently divided among five high schools:
- Grammar School Campus Muristalden
- Free Gymnasium Bern
- Grammar school Kirchenfeld
- Grammar school Neufeld
- High school NMS Bern
When will the students receive the result?
A written test result will be made available on the Saturday that the student's vacation period begins.
What is the grade requirement to pass the Gymi exam?
Procedure: A student or a pupil must reach a certain score in the entrance examination in order to be allowed to enter the high school. The directors of middle schools and vocational education decide what score must be achieved. This score may vary from year to year.